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TeamworkThe importance of progressive and responsive management... more>>>4 shiney stars
That Guy in the Background... more>>>4 shiney stars
The 90's Flow Chart
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
The advantages of a mood ringMy husband, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Bad DayIf you think you ever woke up on the wrong side of the bed & think you should have just staye... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Best and Worst of Country Western Song Titles1.Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In The Bed 2.Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Blonde HandywomenA blonde, wanting to earn some extra money decided to hire herself out as a 'Handywoman' and star... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Doctors Waiting RoomHas it ever bothered you when the doctor's assistant asks you why you are here? Of course you feel c... more>>>4 shiney stars
The gay rancherA successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking wo... more>>>4 shiney stars
The good lawyerOne afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating g... more>>>4 shiney stars

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