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Actual sentences found on hospital chartsShe has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last ni... more>>>4 shiney stars
98 best email signatures for geeksYeah, Windows is great... I used it to download Linux. A fool and his money are... more>>>4 shiney stars
Ever had one of those days... more>>>4 shiney stars
Why Hitler lost the War... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lets go for a drink... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Dumb Moose... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Print this out and place it next to your pc... more>>>4 shiney stars
The 90's Flow Chart
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
WWF... more>>>4 shiney stars
Working Replica of Noah's Ark... more>>>4 shiney stars

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