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Title  Detail  Hits  Rating  
Great building projects
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Working Replica of Noah's Ark... more>>>4 shiney stars
Amazing Simple Home Remedies so obviously simple.......

1. If you're choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup... more>>>
4 shiney stars
The Ravaging Effects of AlcoholAfter 6 beers
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Red neck Christmas Tree
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Will an apology sort this out?
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Letter from HR re Economic slowdownDear Employee, Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown of economy, M... more>>>4 shiney stars
God Loves BlondesA blonde finds herself in serious trouble. Her business has gone bust and she's in dire financial st... more>>>4 shiney stars
The innocent days of comic books
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Employee Happiness KitNOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES! All personnel will now be required to look happy wh... more>>>4 shiney stars

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