98 best email signatures for geeks |
- Yeah, Windows is great... I used it to download Linux.
- A fool and his money are soon venture capital.
- If Windows is the answer, it must have been a stupid question. -- Filip Van Raemdonck
- No trees were destroyed in the sending of this message, however, a significant number of electrons were terribly inconveniencd.
- Infinite loop: see 'Loop, infinite'. Loop, infinite: see 'Infinite loop'. -- Luca De Vitis
- There are only 10 types of people in this world... those who understand binary, and those who don't.
- If God had intended for email to be written in HTML, then the traditional signoff of prayers would be -- Tom Liston
- No .sig for you! NEXT!
- Using the internet as it was originally intended... for the further research of pipebombs.
- : Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90) -- Sean Dwyer
- My other computer is your Windows box. -- Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
- Only 10% are Mac users. But remember, we're the top 10%
- Sendmail administration is not black magic. There are legitimate technical reasons why it requires the sacrifice of a live chicken.
- There are two rules for success: 1. Never tell everything you know. -- Tobias Toedter
- A Microsoft Certified System Engineer is to information technology as a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to the culinary arts -- Michael Bacarella
- Hi! I'm a .signature virus. Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!
- find / -user your -name base -print | xargs chown us:us
- Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing an editor and a MTA
- 90% of statistics are made up on the spot.
- Contentsofsignaturemaysettleduringshipping. -- Mike Beattie
- Differences are good. If two people agree, one of them is redundant -- Brian White
- This message was brought to you by the numbers 0 and 1.
- A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.
- Instead try to realize, that there is no sig.
- Long noun chains don't automatically imply security. -- Bruce Schneier
- I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by -- Douglas Adams
- Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups -- Mike Beattie
- "In the beginning was the word, and the word was content-type: text/plain" - Martin Schulze
- That which does not kill me makes me stronger. That which does kill me I'll deal with when I respawn.
- It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept. -- Bill Watterson
- Anyone who quotes me in their sig is an idiot -- Rusty Russell
- Real men send email in plain text
- scp $FAV_RESTAURANT:$FAV_FOOD /dev/stomach
- Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking.
- A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in.
- When an engineer says that something can't be done, it's a code phrase that means it's not fun to do.
- "Emacs is a nice OS, but to compete with Linux or Windows it needs a better text editor" -- Alexander Duscheleit
- If it's not broken, let's fix it till it is.
- Nothing screams poor workmanship more than wrinkles in the duct tape
- A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
- If you play the Windows2000 CD backwards, you get a satanic message. If you play it forwards, it installs Windows2000!
- I used to have a sig, but it took up too much space so I got rid of it!
- I am root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup!
- Somewhere, there is a .sig so funny that reading it will cause an aneurism. This is not that .sig.
- Microsoft - "Where do you want to go today?" Translation - "Let us take you for a ride."
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
- Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
- I've already told you more than I know.
- To understand recursion, we must first understand recursion
- checkuary, n: The thirteenth month of the year. Begins New Year's Day and ends when a person stops absentmindedly writing the old year on his checks.
- The following is only a sig. The preceding is only a disclaimer.
- Be incomprehensible. If they can't understand you, they can't disagree with you.
- People replying to my sig annoy me. That's why I change it all the time.
- "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Edison
- Sigmentation fault. Comment dumped.
- This is not a sig. I am too lazy to steal one, perhaps you could loan me yours?
- I lost my .sig in the ashtray...
- [dpkg] We are the apt. Resistance is futile. You will be packaged.
- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station...
- If at first you don't succeed, give up skydiving
- When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
- Getting rid of all the bad in the world, one lawyer at a time...
- All things are possible, except skiing thru a revolving door.
- Enjoy your job, make lots of money, work within the law. Choose any two.
- "In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Flash Gordon, M.D.
- Lead me not into temptation, for I can find it myself
- Sig Removed Due To Utter Lameness
- The problem with making computers complete idiots can use is you have complete idiots using computers.
- All social problems have a technical solution. That solution may or may not be socially acceptable.
- "easy as 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884"
- I had a sig, but it didn't want to be seen with me, so I chain it to every post now
- The above was written as part of an attempt to waste time
- I'd have a really cool .sig, but right now I can't even remember my own damn name.
- This sig temporarily on hiatus for retooling.
- This is not a sig. It may look like a sig, but trust me, it's not.
- Kaa's Law: In any sufficiently large group of people most are idiots.
- "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank
- To decode this comment into a readable form, rot13 it twice.
- "Begin at the beginning", the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."
- Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
- load "linux",8,1
- The most stable NT box is the one that is powered down and filled with concrete.
- I used to have a tasty sig. But I ate it.
- DTA - Death To Acronyms
- [Connection closed by foreign host]
- C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32>tracert life.liberty.pursuit-of-happiness
- And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us some e-mail
- Microsoft may not be the / of all evil but it is not for lack of trying
- This is just a test........ if this was an actual sig, you would have been mildly amused..........
- Let's call it an accidental feature. -- Larry Wall
- If ignorance is bliss, wipe the smile off my face
- I'll get a cell phone when they prise it into my cold, dead fingers.
- This post uses only 100% recycled electrons.
- (Disclaimer: This is a joke. If you have a serious response to this post, please seek professional help. And don't drink so much coffee.)
- If it was said on slashdot, it MUST be true!
- Microsoft: What do you want to reinstall today?
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