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How to properly place new employees1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.
2. Put your new employees in the room and close the door.... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Santa Claus - a scientific explaination1. No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be... more>>>No rating yet
The perfect woman1. It is important to find a woman who cooks and cleans.

2. It is important t... more>>>
4 shiney stars
How to tell if you are gay1. If you are over 30 and you have a washboard stomach, you are gay. It means you haven't sucked bac... more>>>4 shiney stars
Out of gas 
A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas.
Just at that moment, a bee fle... more>>>
4 shiney stars
An Aussie Phone Conversation"Hello, is this the police?

"Yes it is. How can we help you?"

"I'm calling to... more>>>
4 shiney stars
The Ravaging Effects of AlcoholAfter 6 beers
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Guess the Riddle... more>>>4 shiney stars
More Motivational Posters... more>>>4 shiney stars
Wedding speech jokes and one linersThis page is specifically for people who have to deliver a funny speech. ... more>>>4 shiney stars

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